Criminal Persecution

November 2002

Winona Ryder, Political Prisoner

Beverly Hills prosecutors have secured the conviction of actress Winona Ryder for shoplifting. While found not guilty of burglary, a jury convicted her of two other counts. She is now a felon, and all of 90210 sleeps sounder for it. The rich and famous should have to pay for their sins like the poor and anonymous. However, the facts suggest that Ms. Ryder received unequal treatment because of her notoriety.

Some 4% of felony indictments in that particular jurisdiction go to trial -- 96% are settled with dismissals, plea bargains, and so on. And that includes murders, rapes, assaults as well as shoplifting. A first-time offender, which the prosecution says she is, almost never sees a jury empanelled. So why spend the money on a trial?

Prosecutors are ambitious. One day DA, another day Mayor of New York; ask Mr. Giuliani. So, the prosecutor in the case decided a week or so in the headlines will make higher office probable. For that reason, the Kensington Review will refrain from naming the prosecutor.

Miss Ryder is an attractive and talented actress, but not necessarily a decent person -- we have never met. But even cads get plea-bargains. Perhaps she could ask O.J. Simpson for help on an appeal.