Popular Culture

January 2003

Joe Strummer Dies at 50, Lives 4ever
At its best, Rock 'n' Roll is youthful rebellion against the foolish laziness of the middle aged in 4:4 time. It has not been at its best in years, despite flashes from Seattle and from bands like the White Stripes, the Hives, and the Vines. But from 1976 to 1982, it glowed white hot, thanks to Joe Strummer and the Clash, and the other Bands of 1976. Joe died of a heart attack Sunday, December 22, 2002. For more, click here.

Human Cloning: Everything but the Proof
Clonaid, a private firm, has claimed success in the race to clone a human being. Ms. Brigitte Boisselier, speaking to the world media, said that the first cloned human, named "Eve," came into the world as 2002 was ending. This is one of the great moments in science, and marks a new stage in human development. If only Ms. Boisselier had some proof, like a DNA test, or possibly a baby to show an eager world. Click here to read on.

Adolescent Fashion Follies
In recent months, one has noticed that young men in America, and elsewhere but mainly the USA, have taken to wearing their trousers low. Not just hip hugging low, but significantly lower. They take oversized jeans or sweats and secure them closer to the thigh than the waist. Which of course means they can tell which way the wind is blowing on their backsides. Click here to read more.