Washington Affairs

10 February 2003

Bush Pushes Hydrogen Cell Cars
President Bush the Younger has announced a $1.2 billion plan to make America's auto fleet run on hydrogen. He hopes that a child born today will take his driving test in a hydrogen cell car. While this promises to be one of the better things to come out of this administration, the problems ahead require a second leap of imagination that the oil men in the White House probably can't make. Click here to read more.

Terror Threat Rises to Orange from Yellow
US intelligence sources say that the terrorist cells that hate America and its pals have increased their "chatter." By that, they mean that more intercepted communications suggest "something bad" may happen. The color coded scale of threat is a wonderful way to warn people that excuses responsibility, means little, and is almost certain not to save a single life. Click here for more.

Bush Declares War on AIDS -- Not Quite
While the world focused on the Iraq part of President Bush's State of the Union speech, a few observers noted that he announced $15 billion in aid to take on HIV. $10 billion of it is new spending, and it will be sent to about a dozen African countries and a few Caribbean states that need it. Mr. Bush claims it will stop 7 million infections, help treat 2 million sick, and care for 10 million AIDS orphans and others. Could this be compassionate conservatism? Click here to read on.