Popular Culture

7 April 2003

Text Messaging Changes No Spelling Habits
Morning TV news programs are, even in time of war, full of light and simple stories made far too long by reporters with too little intellectual curiosity for their own good. A recent example was a five minute piece done on a nationally broadcast morning show about text messaging and the threat it poses to the ability of American youth to spell correctly. It was a waste because text messaging poses no threat; most Americans can't spell anyway. For more, click here.

Good Charlotte Saves Saturday Night
The musical guests of "Saturday Night Live" is largely a hit-and-miss affair, much like the guest hosts, and unlike the mainly miss calibre of the cast. This week, the band was Good Charlotte, and the host, Bernie Mac. The only thing missing was a decent supporting crowd. Click here to read on.

Daylight Savings Plan Must Be Improved
A miseable grey mist settled over the Northeastern US for the beginning of April. Foul, vile weather that suits England in October, where one can at least enjoy cheaper theatre, real beer, national healthcare, and the blessings of Chelsea playing at Stamford Bridge against Arsenal or Newcastle. During this autumnal episode, daylight savings time arrived, springing the clocks forward and shortening the week-end by an hour. While the lighter evenings are welcome, there is a way to save the hour without going back to work on Monday exhausted due to sleep deprivation. Click here to read more.