Issues of Global Import

19 May 2003

Al-Qaeda Bombs Riyadh and Casablanca
In the last week, suicide bombers have attacked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Casablanca, Morocco. Analysts believe that Al-Qaeda is the responsible entity, and that this marks a new round in the terror war. It is not. It is precisely what the Kensington Review predicted last fall -- a weakened organization making weak attacks where security is lax. And, the rich Arab kids are still talking to poor to die for their amusement. Click here to read Kensington's Opinion.

Sharon Meets with Abbas, No Change
The US-UK roadmap to peace has hit a snag right off the bat. With the appointment of a new Palestinian prime minister, Abu Mazen, the idea was that the Israelis would now be negotiating with a different leadership. However, Mr. Ariel Sharon is still the prime minister of Israel, and Hamas and Islamic Jihad still want to fight. The recent meeting between the two prime ministers was an exercise in futility doomed to go nowhere. They really ought to give up for a few years. Click here for more.

WHO Denies Taiwan Observer Status
The World Health Organization denied Taiwan observer status on May 19, despite the SARS problem in Asia. This folly was brought about by the Beijing and Taipei governments, which agree that Taiwan is part of China, but disagree on which of them is the legitimate government of all of China. Meanwhile, people continue to get sick and die. Click here to read why.