Washington Affairs

2 June 2003

Suspected Bomber Eric Rudolph Busted
Eric Rudolph has been hunted by the FBI for 5 years in connection with the bombing at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 and an abortion clinic bombing in the south. Last week-end, a local cop in North Carolina brought him in. After a fair trial, in which his guilt or innocence should be decided instead of here, all eyes should be on US Attorney General John Ashcroft to see how this man avoided the federal government for as long as he did. Click here to read more.

Maine Uses Buying Power for Prescription Drugs
When the politicians do something one has advocated for years, there is a sense of gratification and hopefulness. The Kensington Review is delighted that the politicos in the state of Maine have told the big drug companies to lower their prices if they want to do business in there. And the courts, thus far, have backed the state. Click here for more.

Clinton Calls for End to Term Limits
William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd president of the United States, ought to know better. At Harvard last week, he suggested a repeal, or at very least a refinement, to the 22nd amendment to the US Constitution -- which prevents anyone from serving a third term. Suggesting that it denies the will of the people, he called for the right to serve, at least, non-consecutive third terms. Denying the people's will is exactly why twice is enough. Click here to read on.