Popular Culture

11 August 2003

Gay Bishop Threatens Anglican Split
The Episcopal Church in the US has elected its first openly gay bishop, and at the same time, has opened a can of worms. Immediately after Rev. Gene Robinson was chosen as Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, a group of conservative bishops gathered to announce an impending split among the sect. Since homosexuality, they say, is a sin, openly sinning as the new bishop does undermines the church's principles. The matter goes right to the heart of Christianity in the 21st century. For more, click here.

Teen-Ager Denied College Diploma on Grounds of Age
Daniel Lipsman has been cleared of educational abuse for denying his 15-year-old daughter, Angela, a high school education. His defense was air-tight; the smart girl was taking college classes at Manhattan Community College and had earned enough credits to get an associate degree. High school would have been a waste of her time. Some bureaucrats thought otherwise and began preparing a criminal prosecution. It wasn't the first time the "System" has failed to address the problems of the gifted, and it won't be the last. Click here to read on.

Goths vs. Charvers -- Same Old Thing
Youth tribes are part of growing up in Britain. Teds, Rockers, Mods, Hippies, Rude-boys, Rastas, Skin-heads, Punks. Different ways of dressing in an effort to shock the middle-aged, find a little identity of one's own, and possible impress a member of the opposite sex. Mostly, its harmless fun, right before adult responsibility kicks and the boss wants you in early on Monday dressed "appropriately." But sometimes, there's the odd bit of violence. Click here to read more.