Popular Culture

22 September 2003

Teacher Gives Away $1 Million
Pepsi recently held the drawing for its $1 billion prize winner, and thankfully for Pepsi, or more accurately, Pepsi's insurers, the chimp (yes, as in monkey) who picked the winning number selected numerals that did not match those chosen by Richard Bay (the grand finalist). Mr. Bay received a $1 million consolation prize. Up to this point, the situation was worthy only of scorn and derision, but Mr. Bay saved the day by an act of selflessness that one thought only occurred in Frank Capra movies. For more, click here.

Emory Monkey Study Shows Fairness Pre-Dates Humans
The good people at Emory University, Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal to be precise, have discovered that the idea of "fairness" is not exclusive to humans. Their recent study of capuchin monkeys suggests that the concept evolved quite some time before homo sapiens turned up. While the study is interesting, a further study into why humans put up with unfairness should follow. Click here to read on.

Neil Parry: One Tough Man
American football players are supposed to be tough guys. Josh Parry of the Philadelphia Eagles, as an NFL line backer, should be the toughest guy in any room that doesn't include teammates and rivals. The fact is he isn't even the toughest kid in his family. Out of shape writers have no fear of saying this because Josh Parry agrees. Brother Neil is the man of steel in the Parry family. Click here to read more.