Washington Affairs

6 October 2003

Guantanamo Arrests are Stockholm Syndrome
Judging by the hysteria in the American media, Al-Qaeda has a major terror cell operating in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The military has made three arrests, and there are fears that this proves that the Army has been infiltrated. Perhaps the journalists crying "Wolf" should look under their beds for communists while they are at it. These three cases are at best misunderstandings and at worst, examples of the Stockholm syndrome. Click here to read more.

The Failing Presidency of G.W. Bush
Campaign fundraising got a bit of a mention last week because the third quarter ended on September 30, and the candidates have to release their results to the public (are these politicians or public companies?). No surprise that Howard Dean came top of the Democrats, but even less of a surprise was Mr. Bush raising close to half of the $150-170 million his handlers want. The question is whether the GOP might do better with a different candidate. Click here for more.

Libertarians to Resettle New Hampshire
A libertarian group has hit upon an interesting idea; 5,000 of them have decided to move to New Hampshire to create a "free state." They hope to eventually number 20,000 and, by voting their principles, alter the political climate in their favor. As noble failures go, this is likely to prove one of the least harmful. Click here to read on.