Popular Culture

3 November 2003

Halloween, A Dying Custom
In the American kids' calendar of holidays, Christmas is the big one. The free loot makes it a favorite by miles, but Halloween comes second, again with free goodies. Unfortunately for the little ones, Halloween is a dying custom. For more, click here.

Whining Celebrities -- Grow up
Perhaps its the recent solar activity, but the media were covered in a thick coating of whining last week. Rod Stewart, Princess Diana's former butler, and even a Nobel prize wannabe appeared to be upset with the grim hand of fate. Those at the bottom of life's barrel may have grounds for complaint, but to see the winner's of the existence lottery carry on so makes one ill. Click here to read on.

LeBron James Dazzles, Cleveland Loses Anyway
The marketing people at the NBA, and their corporate allies at the shoe and soft drink companies, think they have found a replacement for Michael Jordan. Young LeBron James, a man who went from high school straight to the NBA without pretending to be a college student, has them drooling. They've given him around $100 million in endorsements, his face is selling magazine, but there's just one problem -- his team can't win. Click here to read more.