Matters Financial

10 November 2003

Bank of England Raises British Interest Rates
While their Continental trading partners have struggled with recession, the British economy is having different troubles, namely too much consumer spending and debt. So, the Bank of England raised its base rate to 3.75% , up a quarter of a point. Good thing Britain is outside the eurozone. Click here to read more.

US Unemployment Problem Eases A Bit
The champagne was not yet uncorked at the White House, but it was on ice as the government announced that unemployment in the US dropped from 6.1% to 6.0% in October. If employment gets better and if there aren't too many bodybags coming back to Dover Air Force Base, goes their thinking, Bush the Lesser will get another four years. His timing appears to be better than his father's. Click here to read more.

Microsoft Offers Bounty for Virus Hunters
In what will either become a standard in the industry or a disaster, Microsoft has announced that it is setting aside $5 million to fight computer viruses. There are two $250,000 rewards for information that leads to the arrest of the writers of the Blaster worm and SoBig.F e-mail viruses. Success depends on which branch of economics prevails. Click here for our view.