Washington Affairs

15 March 2004

California May Let 14 Year-Olds Vote
Californians, fresh from deciding that the governor they elected wasn't really what they wanted and from putting the Terminator in office, now have decided that people as young as 14 should have the vote. The US Constitution clearly says that 18 is the age limit for federal elections, but it does not govern state and local elections. Proponents say it will be good for democracy, opponents that kids aren't up to it. Both are wrong.

Nominee for Manufacturing Czar Withdraws
Whenever an American administration appoints a "czar" to deal with a national problem, it does so in the full knowledge that existing bureaucratic structures are not conducive to addressing the problem. Moreover, it does so in the full knowledge that the czar won't be able to fix it either, viz. a manufacturing czar. Perhaps, if the spelled it "tsar," progress would follow.

Feeney-Goodlatte Resolution Fails to Understand Use of Foreign Cases
On the face of it, theFeeney-Goodlatte Resolution that few in the media have noticed is a good idea. It's a non-binding motion that would explain to the courts that Congress doesn't want them deciding matters before the courts according to laws from other lands. A fine idea, but that isn't what is happening. Instead, the courts are looking at the reasoning underlying the foreign decisions -- logic should know no boundaries. As it is, the ignorance of certain congressmen is boundless.