The Kensington Review

7 February 2005

Latest Commentary:

Bush’s Budget Games Begin -- The White House presented Congress with a $2.5 trillion budget today. Mr. Bush’s flaks say it’s the most “austere” budget since the Reagan years. It is hard to decide if this is a howling ignorance of the word’s meaning or merely a groaning lack of data about past budgets. If the spending axe were used properly, Mr. Bush could halve the deficit this year rather than in four years. This would, of course, exclude a needless war abroad, but he might not even have to raise taxes.

G7 Offer of 100% Debt Relief for Poorest Countries -- Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown moved the New Labour ball closer to the goal of significant action on world poverty at the G7 finance ministers’ meeting in London. After a case-by-case review, there is a chance that the 37 poorest nations in the world will have their debts wiped off the books. However, his plan to put together $5 billion a year in aid took a heavy blow when the Bush administration turned it down. Or as the American delegation might have put it, “Allies? Who us?”

Super Bowl XXXIX Fails to Offend -- The Super Bowl may be the quintessential American cultural event, which is a shame in many respects. However, a sport that glorifies violence and committee meetings (an apt description cribbed from George Will), coupled with “superstar” halftime entertainment, leavened with the most expensive and allegedly brilliant advertising does seem to sum up America to most foreigners if not to most Americans. This year, Super Bowl XXXIX (or 39 for those who lack pretension) didn’t offend anyone, and the game was even worth watching.

Ossie Davis Exits Stage Left -- Johnny Depp was recently asked on “Inside the Actors’ Studio” what he wanted to hear God say when the actor meets his creator. Mr. Depp said, “Wow.” Ossie Davis, who met his maker on Friday, probably heard just that. And a standing ovation from both cherubim and seraphim to boot. If not, heaven is a much tougher house than one had expected.

© Copyright 2005 by The Kensington Review , J. Myhre, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent.

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