The Kensington Review

2 March 2005

Latest Commentary:

Judge Orders US to Charge Padilla or Free Him -- Jose Padilla is not the best American citizen around. He's a former gang member and seems to be tied to Al Qaeda in one way or another. He's been in prison since May of 2002, though, without a charge or indictment against him. The Bush administration has labeled him an "enemy combatant" and tossed him into military jail in South Carolina. Now, along comes Judge Henry Floyd, appointed to the federal bench by Mr. Bush in 2003, who says the government has 45 days to free Padilla or charge him with a crime. This is a real victory for America in the war on terror.

Canada Refuses to Participate in Anti-Missile System -- The Bush administration continues to be prickly and rude when it doesn't get its way. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice canceled a meeting with Canadian officials set for Ottawa in mid-April after the Canadian government decided to opt out of the American-led Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense boondoggle. A quick sideline meeting at the London Conference on Palestine came together to keep the smiley face of the second Bush administration intact. Still, the problem seems to be an unwillingness to talk to those who disagree. Mr. Bush and his team prefer preaching to the choir rather than winning new recruits.

Connecticut Home Owners' Property Rights Attacked -- One of the prime causes of the American Revolution was the desire of British subjects in America to enjoy the land they had acquired (either legally or illegally) and other property without George III and his ministers getting in the way. And it has become a pillar of faith that capitalism relies on a solid body of law governing property rights. So, the Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. City of New London this term will be of huge importance. The city wants to use "eminent domain" to take the homes of certain residents so that a private non-profit group can build a conference center, hotels, offices and condominia on it. Surely, this is plain wrong.

Kenyan School Tries E-Slates -- A great many schools in North America and Europe are justly proud of their computer labs. However, unless the children are using handheld computers to do their lessons, they are technologically behind students at the Mbita Point Primary School in western Kenya. A pilot project there run by EduVision may make textbooks obsolete and has already made this rural community better able to educate its kids

© Copyright 2005 by The Kensington Review, J. Myhre, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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