The Kensington Review

4 March 2005

Latest Commentary:

Senator Byrd Mentions Hitler, GOP and ADL Pitch Fit -- All too often, people get caught in in emotions when discussing politics and make comparisons between their opponents and the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. The problem in doing so is the emotion that the pure evil that descended on Germany in 1933 is so strong that reason can't break through. A prime example occurred earlier this week when Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) made passing reference to Hitler'political behavior in a debate about changing filibuster rules in the Senate. The firestorm of righteous indignation from the Republican Party and the Anti-Defamation League got in the way of a simple fact; using totalitarian tactics doesn't make one a totalitarian - but it isn't much of a recommendation either.

Neo-Cons Get Good News, or Do They? -- A long time ago, there were some policymakers in Washington who told the president that US troops would be greeted in Baghdad with sweets and flowers. Yesterday, US casualties in Iraq reached 1,500 killed in action. Yet, things are looking up for the neo-conservatives who sold Mr. Bush this foreign policy of imperial adventurism in the Middle East. Elections in Iraq and proto-Palestine have created a semblance of democracy, and the people power of Lebanon that forced out the pro-Syrian, semi-illegal government have all been welcome to the Wolfowitz and Perle crowd. At the same time, they could be mistaking nationalist values for democratic ones.

Bank of America Settles in WorldCom Suit -- The spectacular crash of WorldCom in 2002 was not, despite what may be said in the trial of Bernie Ebbers, the world of a single individual, A financial catastrophe of that magnitude required many participants. Yesterday, Bank of America became the second respondent to settle for its role in the incident. A good trader knows when to cut his losses, and BofA is doing just that.

British Government to Pay Green Farmers -- Since the Industrial Revolution, it has been hard to make farming pay, if indeed, it was ever easy. At the subsistence level, farming may fill the belly, or it may not depending on the weather. In more developed economies, fewer and fewer people are needed to produce more and more agricultural products. And in the 21st century, few in the developed world can even afford to farm. Yesterday, the British government announced a sensible policy that will make it more financially feasible to live a rural life, while at the same time creating value for society that wasn't there earlier.

© Copyright 2005 by The Kensington Review, J. Myhre, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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