The Kensington Review

11 March 2005

Latest Commentary:

Congress Subpoenas Baseball Players over Steroids -- The war in Iraq has claimed 1,500 American lives and was fought under the false claim that that nation had weapons of mass destruction that could be used against the US and its pals in 45 minutes. The $2.6 trillion budget that came out of the House committee responsible for spending is at least $350 billion in the red. About 43 million Americans don't have health insurance. Osama bin Laden is still at large. And the House Government Reform Committee has decided to spend its time investigating steroid use by professional baseball players. It's another sideshow, and shame on the voters for putting up with it.

Tung Chee-hwa Resigns as Hong Kong's Chief Executive -- Billionaire Tung Chee-hwa made his money in shipping, and he probably should have stayed in the boat business. As Chief Executive of the former Crown Colony of Hong Kong, his brief was to implement the "one country, two systems" policy that Beijing claims it had for Hong Kong as a Special Administration Region of the People's Republic of China. Even without the SARS problem and the financial crisis of 1997, Mr. Tung faced a mission impossible. The people of Hong Kong want to run their own lives and their own city, while the communists on the mainland want Hong Kong to obey the central government just like every other place in the PRC does.

US Infrastructure Gets "D" from Civil Engineers -- America's infrastructure is lousy according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, a group in a position to know. Bearing in mind that civil engineers make their living from building and maintaining that infrastructure, some of the findings in their latest report card can be discounted as bidding for the public purse but not all of it. It will cost $1.6 trillion (that's $1,600,000,000,000) over just five years to bring things up to an "acceptable level." Worse are the costs if America doesn't spend the money.

Leno Silenced in Jackson Case, But Monologue Goes On -- Originally, no one expected the Michael Jackson child molestation case to give rise to any civil liberty issues. It is a tawdry and boring trial, appealing mostly to America's fascination with the rich and famous rather than to its concern for the well being of a child or the privacy of a performer whose best work was 20 years ago (and even then, Prince was doing better stuff). Thanks to a judge's gag order, though, and the placement of Jay Leno on the witness list, there's now a First Amendment issue at stake. Who da thunk it?

© Copyright 2005 by The Kensington Review, J. Myhre, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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