The Kensington Review

27 May 2005

Latest Commentary:

Senate Doesn’t End Debate on Bolton Nomination -- The US Senate voted to end debate on the John Bolton nomination to be the next US ambassador to the UN; the final tally was 56-42 to move on with the vote to confirm. Unfortunately for Mr. Bolton and his backers, the Senate rules require 60 votes to end debate, and the Gang of 14 ensured earlier in the week that the rule would be unchanged even for judicial nominations. The GOP was quick to condemn “obstructionist” Democrats, but all the opposition claims to want are more records from the executive. Could inadequate information be grounds for not confirming?

Amnesty International’s Human Rights Report Hits USA -- Amnesty International’s annual report took on most of the baddies in the world. Darfur, Chechnya, Nepal and Zimbabwe all got mentioned in rather nasty terms. What the White House didn’t want to hear was the part about America’s short-comings in human rights. Irene Khan, the Secretary General of Amnesty International, called America’s detention center at Guantanamo Bay “the gulag of our time.” She’s right.

Pipeline Will Change Oil Market -- While America wondered whether Bo or Carrie would be the next “American Idol,” oil began flowing through a pipeline running from Baku in Azerbaijan through Tbilisi, Georgia and terminating at the Turkish port of Ceyhan. The BTC project may ensure that the energy-wasting American lifestyle can persist another few years.

Liverpool Beats AC Milan in European Champions League -- While it was heartbreaking that Liverpool and not Chelsea played AC Milan in the Champions League final, the drama of the match almost made up for it. Liverpool came back from a 3-0 deficit at halftime to win on penalty kicks. And UEFA, the governing body of European soccer, says Liverpool probably won’t be allowed to defend the title. Can the rules get any dumber?

© Copyright 2005 by The Kensington Review, J. Myhre, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.


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