The Kensington Review

27 March 2006

Latest Commentary: Volume V, Number 37
Protests in US Highlight Immigration Mess -- There were protests in the US over the week-end that must have been the envy of every Birkenstock-wearing, beansprout-chewing peacenik. Half a million turned out in Los Angeles, according to the notoriously undercounting LAPD, to protest US immigration legislation currently making its way through Congress. If the “Peace Now” crowd could get numbers like that, there would be peace now. Unfortunately, immigration policy is a lot tougher than ending war. This issue will be an issue for years to come.

Afghan Christian Convert from Islam Faces Death for Apostasy -- Abdul Rahman is an Afghan, born and raised a Muslim who, sixteen years ago, converted to Christianity. For a great many Muslims, this is a huge sin, about the biggest there is. Turning one’s back on Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) and the Koran carries a death sentence under Sharia law. Mr. Rahman is in an Afghani jail right now facing execution if his legal team and diplomatic pressure don’t save him.

Evacuation Drill for Airbus Super Jumbo Injures 33 -- The new Airbus double-deck A380 can hold as many 873 people, including crew. This means that the jet has to be able to evacuate that many people safely in the event of an emergency. A test for just that was held over the week-end, resulting in 33 injured. “That was a very great success,” Airbus manager Gustav Humbert. Really?

“Lord of the Rings” on Stage a Mixed Bag-gins -- For those who sated their literary appetite with JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, the Peter Jackson films of the past few years have been treasures. Even those who weren’t fans acknowledged the cinematic value of the opus. Now, a stage version has opened in Toronto, but the reviews are mixed.

© Copyright 2006 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.


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