No More Vichy Democrats

4 August 2006

Kensington Review Endorses Lamont in Connecticut Senate Primary

Normally, a primary for a nomination to contest a US Senate seat doesn’t amount to much of a choice. Primaries within a party tend to magnify perceptions about disputes until mole hill-sized differences grow into mountains of Himalayan magnitude, which are then forgotten once the votes are counted. In Connecticut this year, the Democratic primary matters a great deal because there is a real difference. Ned Lamont is the candidate who backs a sensible Iraqi policy, while current Senator Joe Lieberman is a Vichy Democrat whose forced retirement is vital.

Mr. Lamont’s website said it best:

Three years ago, President George Bush rushed our country to war in Iraq and Senator Lieberman has cheered him on every step of the way. No, there was no imminent threat to America, there were no weapons of mass destruction, and we were not greeted as liberators.

Today, America is no safer, Israel is no safer, Iran is more dangerous, Osama bin Laden is still at large, and our brave troops are stuck in the middle of a bloody civil war. I believe that those leaders who got us into this mess should be held accountable.

Looking forward, I salute the patriotism and wisdom of Congressman Murtha and others who emphasize that ‘stay the course’ is not a winning strategy for Iraq or America. Our best chance of success requires that the Iraqis take control of their own destiny. America should make clear that we have no designs upon their oil and no plans for permanent bases. While we will continue to provide logistical and training support as long as we are asked, our frontline military troops should begin to be redeployed and our troops should start heading home.
Mr. Lieberman’s campaign website offers a calendar of dates for the election, a biography of the senator, a set of news releases including newspaper endorsements, a list of supporters including other politicians and a union or two, and a link to the state Democratic Party. It doesn’t mention Iraq. Case closed.

When a nation is at war, it is the duty of every leader to treat the conflict as the nation’s top priority; after all, citizens are dying. Mr. Lamont recognizes that the mess in Mesopotamia is not getting better, that the presence of US troops may be making it worse and that US troops can’t keep a Green Zone government in office forever if the Iraqis don’t want it. Mr. Lieberman threatens to run as an independent if he loses the primary vote. So be it. Readers who are eligible to vote in Tuesday’s Connecticut Democratic Primary must vote for Mr. Lamont.

© Copyright 2006 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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