The Kensington Review

13 September 2006

Latest Commentary: Volume V, Number 109
Chafee Prevails in Rhode Island GOP Primary -- Lincoln Chafee sits as a Republican in the US Senate representing Rhode Island, America’s smallest state. He has voted against the administration more than any other member of the GOP in the chamber. Yet, when his pro-Bush, anti-tax challenger lost the primary to the incumbent (54%-46%), the entire Republican Establishment breathed a sigh of relief. As Bob Schiffer of CBS News said, “the irony here is so thick you get it on your shoes.”

Marine Intelligence Reports Anbar Province “Politically Lost" -- Colonel Pete Devlin is the top intelligence man in the United States Marine Corps in Iraq. He’s been in Anbar Province, the Sunni heartland in the western 30% of the country, as part of his duties and has served in Iraq since February. The Corps holds him in very high regard, according to the Washington Post that wrote yesterday on his classified report to the Pentagon. So his assessment that Anbar Province has been, or is being, lost is making waves in policy circles of the military.

BMW to Introduce Hydrogen-Burning Model Next Year -- German automaker BMW has announced that it will start selling hydrogen-burning cars starting in April 2007. However, it will not be for sale, only for lease because of the high price. Hydrogen, however, is not the only green technology BMW backs; it is working on fuel cell cars as well. Nonetheless, it remains committed to the internal combustion engine “because the sum total of its features and characteristics offers the largest number of advantages and benefits all in one.” Moving to another technology is rife with problems, mostly in the minds of corporate management, but BMW is thinking bigger than most.

Newborn Japanese Prince Gets Named Hisahito -- Japan has averted a constitutional crisis. The use of force in foreign policy still remains problematic to the country. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is resigning soon, and no successor has been elected yet. Thank Heavens, then, that Princess Kiko gave birth to a son on September 6, named Hisahito in a ceremony yesterday, so the country won’t have to decide about making female succession to the Chrysanthemum Throne constitutional. Can monarchy, especially a toothless one, look any more foolish?

© Copyright 2006 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.


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