The Kensington Review

14 May 2007

Latest Commentary: Volume VI, Number 58
GOP Leader Losing Faith in Iraq-Namese Government -- Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is the top Republican in the US Senate. Although he’s a loyal Republican and supporter of the president, he is also a reasonable man (he opposed a flag desecration amendment to the constitution because he prefers free speech, no matter how odious). He also supported the invasion of Iraq, and he believes in the surge currently underway. So, when he turns on the Iraq-Namese government, alarms should sound along the Tigris and the Potomac.

Pakistan’s Strike Turns Violent -- Pakistan is supposedly America’s ally in the war on terror. At least, its government is. The fact, then, that the opposition has called what is effectively a general strike over the dismissal of the nation’s top judge is a huge problem. The fact that the strike has turned violent makes matters worse and a settlement less likely. President Musharraf is taking the situation very seriously, but then, if this isn’t serious, nothing could be.

Cerberus to Take 80% of Chrysler -- Back in 1998, German car manufacturer Daimler bought America’s faltering Chrysler for $37 billion. Today, it has accepted an offer from Cerberus Capital Management (a private equity investment operation) to sell 80.1% for €5.5 billion or about US$7.41 billion, a stunning loss. The Germans, who almost made communism work, couldn’t get Chrysler into the black. While Cerberus may have better luck, one shouldn’t wager much on the proposition.

Nola Ochs of Kansas Graduates from University -- The headline is nothing unique for this time of the academic year. Millions of people got in recent weeks, or are about to get, their Bachelor’s degrees. Nola Ochs got hers in general studies and history from Fort Hays State University in Kansas. “I was just another student,” she claimed. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ms. Ochs is 95 years-old.

© Copyright 2007 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.


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