
13 July 2007

US Government Analysts Say al Qaeda Strength at Post-9/11 High

A classified report has leaked to the press that says al Qaeda has recovered from the pounding it received after the 9/11 murders in New York, Northern Virginia, and rural Pennsylvania. The report also says that the group has found a safe haven in tribal parts of western Pakistan. Meanwhile, the US has boosted its military and intelligence assets in Iraq-Nam to prop up a pro-Iranian government. The Busheviks are still not focused on the real problem

John Kringen, head of the CIA’s intelligence directorate, told Congress on Wednesday, “We actually see the al Qaeda central being resurgent in their role in planning operations. They seem to be fairly well settled into the safe haven in the ungoverned spaces of Pakistan there. We see more training. We see more money. We see more communications.” Or as the slogan for a sequel to the horror film “Poltergeist” had it “They’re baaaaack.”

The White House claims that it has kept America safe by taking the fight to the terrorists, and to the extent the administration means the shattering of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, one cannot but agree. However, the invasion of Iraq-Nam changed the nature of the fight. Fighting them there doesn’t make anyone safer; if it were, Britain’s public transportation wouldn’t have been attacked, nor would Madrid’s. The facts argue just the opposite.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has proved largely gutless in resisting the war, but he did analyze the situation correctly when he said, “It is a travesty that Osama bin Laden remains at large nearly six years after the 9/11 attacks and appears to have found new sanctuary to operate freely in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border regions. The Bush administration and most congressional Republicans would rather stubbornly stick with a flawed strategy and fight a war that senior military leaders say cannot be won militarily, than adapt to fighting the enemy who attacked us six years ago.”

Meanwhile, Heimatschutzminister Michael Chertoff said he had a “gut feeling” that the US is more vulnerable now than in recent months. While he said his statement was based on no “specific, credible information,” he also noted that the bad guys seem to like summer. Mr. Chertoff is an incompetent yahoo, and one of the worst in a cabinet of clowns. However, if the war with al Qaeda had been properly pursued since 2001, his gut feeling would have no credibility. As it is, it is the administration that has none. Once again, this journal asks the president, “Where is Usama bin Laden?”

© Copyright 2007 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.


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