The Kensington Review

26 December 2007


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Latest Commentary: Volume VI, Number 154
Considering Bill Richardson -- This journal will not endorse a presidential candidate this side of the conventions. In many respects the Democrats are spoiled for choice and the Republicans, except for Ron Paul, are saddled with losing two wars and an American city in the last seven years. Nevertheless, there is one man who isn’t getting the attention his resume deserves. Bill Richardson, the Democratic Governor of New Mexico, might just be the best qualified candidate, if not overqualified.

UN to Defund OIOS Watchdog -- It all sounded so good. Get a high-powered investigative team together to look into the activities of the UN. Sadly, the Office of Internal Oversight Services [OIOS] did just that. It found “multiple instances of fraud, corruption, waste and mismanagement at UN headquarters and peacekeeping missions, including ten significant instances of fraud and corruption with aggregate value in excess of $610 million.” In gratitude, the UN General Assembly will defund it in the coming year.

Merrill Raises $6.2 Billion -- Merrill Lynch made three deals right before Christmas that will bring in $6.2 billion when all is said and done. Singapore-based financial firm Temasek Holdings will buy $4.4 billion of common stock with an option for $600 million more by way of options dated March 28, 2008. Davis Selected Advisors, an American investment firm, will purchase $1.2 billion in Merrill common equity. And GE Capital, the financial unit of General Electric, will buy the bulk of operations from the company's financial arm: Merrill Lynch Capital. Merill just might make it.

Elizabeth II Wishes All a Happy Christmas -- This journal considers itself a Mid-Atlantic entity with a die-hard republican stripe to it. As such, the abolition of the British Monarchy would be the best Christmas present possible. Santa failed again this year, but Mrs. Philip Windsor, a/k/a Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, gave a fine traditional Christmas speech that deserves one’s consideration and admiration. Quite apt as it was the 50th anniversary of her first televised Christmas speech.

© Copyright 2007 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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