The Kensington Review

28 March 2008


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Latest Commentary: Volume VII, Number 38
Hillary’s Rich Pals Threaten Pelosi -- Some people think their money entitles them to bully people. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) received a letter yesterday from 20 Clinton donors in which they insisted that she change her view on how superdelegates should act. Her view is that they should endorse the will of the people. What has these oligarchs upset is that the will of the people at the moment favors Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) rather than Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY).

McCain Gives Democratic Foreign Policy Speech -- Probable GOP Nominee for President John McCain gave a speech to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council on Wednesday that distanced his approach to foreign affairs from that of President Bush. In fact, it was a better Democratic speech that the address Hillary Clinton gave in February. He’s taking a multi-lateral approach, acknowledging that the unipolar world of the neocons is over (if indeed it ever existed), and accepting that America must lead by example. He got things about 85% right, and the only issue now is whether he means it.

Ford Selling Jaguar, Land Rover to India’s Tata -- While the financing still needs to be arranged, Ford has agreed to sell its Jaguar and Land Rover units to India’ Tata Motors for US$2.3 billion, netting it $1.7 billion. That’s about a third of what Ford paid for them, but sometimes, stopping the bleeding is costly. The questions for Tata are whether it can do better and whether it has bought at too high a price.

Bevin Boys Get Some of Their Due at Last -- Coalmining in Britain has always been one of the more unpleasant ways to make a living. During World War II, Ernest “Nye” Bevin was Minister for Labour and National Service, and he managed to screw things up so badly that Britain was running our of coalminers by 1943. His solution was to draft men to work underground. Unlike those conscripted into the armed forces or who served as firemen and policemen, these men were denied the recognition they were due. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Gordon Brown awarded them commemorative badges in acknowledgement of what they did in the war. It isn’t enough.

© Copyright 2008 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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