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20 October 2008

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General Powell Endorses Senator Obama

On “Meet the Press” yesterday, Colin Powell endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President. This is as important an endorsement as Mr. Obama is going to get this year. General Powell is as well-respected and admired by Democrats and independents as any Republican in America. In calling the Illinois senator a “transformational figure,” General Powell may have swayed many undecideds to the Obama banner.

The question of whether endorsements matter largely hinges on who is endorsing whom. If the mayor of a city endorses a candidate for city council, that's largely irrelevant. When a newspaper like the Washington Post endorses a candidate, it may have some sway but those who prefer a different paper (the Washington Times) might actually turn against the candidate. This is a rather special case. The first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the first black Secretary of State endorsing the first black candidate on a major party's ticket is different.

Some on the reactionary right like Rush Limbaugh declared that the endorsement was race related. It's been a popular cry in such circles that 90% of black voters voting for a black candidate meant that the voters were racists. In this regard, they attribute to General Powell a motive that just isn't there. General Powell may have some shortcomings, but racism isn't among them as his career proves.

Instead, what this endorsement means is a trusted figure whom a great many moderate-to-conservative Americans of all races trust has said, “Obama is worthy of the position he seeks.” Among voters who have had their doubts about his inexperience (and that is a legitimate worry) or about his patriotism (which is slander) General Powell's words are a comfort.

Some have said that this is the final nail in the McCain-Palin campaign's coffin. That is to overstate the importance of General Powell's position and influence. There is no one single event that will finish off a campaign. What it does achieve, though, is a continuation of the Obama-Biden campaign's momentum. The clock is winding down, and there are only 15 days before the election. A great many states have begun early voting. This endorsement will occupy the headlines for the better part of a day. It is one less day for the Republicans to turn things around. Senator Obama, a state champion in high school basketball, understands perfectly well that he just has to run out the clock. General Powell has burned up some time for him.

© Copyright 2008 by The Kensington Review, Jeff Myhre, PhD, Editor. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent. Produced using Fedora Linux.

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